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Patient Recruitment for Clinical Trials

Connect with Verified and Enthusiastic Patients

One of the most crucial factors of a successful clinical trial is the recruitment and retention of the participants. MRFGR specialise in participant recruitment and can offer you a seamless and stress-free approach to accessing, recruiting and retaining a wide variety of patients - so you can avoid any unwanted delays to your study.

Quote & Project Feasibility.


We love quoting, so are more than happy to freely discuss project feasibility and provide quotes for any number of research projects with no obligation or hassle; after-all everyone needs some help when working out costs or even when tendering or pitching to clients!

Recruitment - Targeting the right people for your trial

With over 10 years of experience and with our meticulous recruitment procedures we can provide genuine, engaged, and punctual participants who are recruited to brief. We know that no clinical trial can afford to have the ‘wrong participants’, so we take the utmost care to ensure the validity of all of our patients through a five-star screening process. Not only do we screen, re-screen, and confirm every bit of criteria, but we also require verification or proof of diagnosis to guarantee that you're connecting with the right patients for your research.

Our ‘Recruitment for Clinical Research’ is separate from our Market Research Respondent Recruitment but a lot of the core values and practices for best standard are interchangeable across both services. Mostly, these ensure that:

  • All of our recruitment is conducted in-house and never passed to a third party
  • We provide frequent recruitment updates which include each participant’s full screening criteria
  • All respondent details are checked, verified and validated
  • We keep in regular contact with participants, which includes touching base on the day of the trial or research
  • We are fully GDPR compliant so you can rest assured that all data is passed to you in a lawful, secure, and responsible manner. Our own Data Protection office is always on hand to assist you with any GDPR related questions or enquiries you may have.
  • We have a multi-tiered approach to recruitment and can recruit via our own extensive and nationally representative database (which includes individuals from all walks of life), as well as utilising our pre-existing relationships with support/advocacy groups, social media groups and Healthcare Professionals.

    Participant Engagement & Motivation - Keeping your participants happy

    We appreciate that there isn’t a ‘one suit fits all’ for clinical trial recruitment; through our extensive and varied experience with medical focus groups and surveys, we have a deep understanding of maintaining high levels of patient engagement and motivation:

  • Our patient centred approach means that we take extensive care when ensuring that all of our recruits remain fully informed and aware of what any research study involves. Our team will craft a professional and thorough document for participants that includes a detailed background to the study, educational materials where needed to establish adequate understanding, alongside requirements and clear, concise instructions for respondents.
  • As part of the recruitment ask for their consent after fielding any patient questions
  • We maintain consistent verbal and written communication at varying levels of frequency depending on the studies specific requirements; this can range from daily to weekly.
  • In the unlikely event of any dropouts or loss of engagement, we keep standby respondents on hand to ensure a speedy replacement and thus minimal interruptions to the study.
  • At the start of any research study, we will give free advice on incentives, so you can make sure you’re gaining the right levels of interest. At MRFGR, we’ve given free advice on incentives for thousands of research projects, so we’re well-equipped to suggest an amount that will garner high levels of uptake, without being unnecessarily high.
  • Our experience with various Participant Types / Audiences

    We have experience in recruiting a vast range of participants from individuals in ‘good health’ to sufferers of terminal conditions. It’s by no means a comprehensive list of absolutely every person we can recruit, but to give a good indication of our experience within patient recruitment, here is a brief summary of who we’ve recruited previously:

  • Patients with chronic conditions (e.g. diabetes, chronic pain, arthritis, migraines, etc)
  • Disabled patients - including those with physical, motor and mental impairments
  • Individuals suffering from a variety of mental health conditions
  • Smokers and alcohol consumers of varying levels
  • Users of specific treatments and medications
  • Cancer patients
  • Low-incidence conditions
  • Considerers of or people who have undergone complex cosmetic treatment e.g. gender reassignment surgery
  • Carers and family members of individuals suffering from deliberating conditions such as dementia, alzheimers, etc.
  • IMAGE RIGHTS: Special thanks to the following people for the use of their images.
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