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Successful Recruit for Electric Vehicle Owners & Online Survey in Sheffield

Read more about one of our recent recruitment projects in which we had to source very specific car consumers, and an online survey we deployed for local residents in and around Sheffield.

We have been working on a number of different projects in the last week - ranging from qualitative (remote) research sessions, to quantitative feedback tools in the form of online surveys. As is often the case in market research, our work varies a lot from project to project - we have recruiting electric vehicle owners for remote interviews, recruited residents of South Yorkshire who have used a specific mode of public transport, and launched an online survey for Sheffield residents (plus the surrounding areas).

Quote & Project Feasibility


We love quoting, so are more than happy to freely discuss project feasibility and provide quotes for any number of research projects with no obligation or hassle; after-all everyone needs some help when working out costs or even when tendering or pitching to clients!

Recruitment - Electric Vehicle Owners

In August, we were approached by a new client who wanted to speak with Electric Vehicle owners for their market research. Interviews would be 20-30 min in duration and take place online (Zoom). While the client was happy to conduct these interviews and perform the analysis themselves, MRFGR assisted with the recruitment of individuals, managing their attendance (replacing dropouts at no extra cost!), and the incentive handling for each participant.

Recruitment was performed through contacting our extensive database; a non-leading screener ensured that only individuals who identified as owning an electric vehicle were screened through. They were further asked to identify the make/model in a free-text question.

MRFGR actually took one step further to verify all candidates as suitable; selected respondents were asked to send through their V5(c) leasing and/or insurance documents. If they were unable to provide these (or any verification), we did not recruit them for the study. This ensured that our client was only speaking to 100% genuine respondents and, while it's difficult to request proof for every single piece of criteria, we do perform checks like these on a regular basis when it's both easy for the respondents to provide it, and verifies any tricky/difficult criteria.

All respondents successfully took part in the research and we managed to achieve the client's requested numbers. Participants were paid in full within 2-3 working days of completing the research session.

Online Survey - South Yorkshire and the Surrounding Areas

MRFGR were asked by our client whether we could gather responses to an online survey from residents of South Yorkshire (specifically looking at Sheffield and the surrounding areas, with some quotas allowed for areas that were further afield as well). They were already hosting the survey on their side, so we just needed to find people willing to complete it.

Respondents within Yorkshire had to have used a specific mode of public transport, whereas those outside of Yorkshire needed only to have heard of that transport method before - there were no further quotas on frequency, though this is monitored throughout the survey.

The online survey is still in progress currently, but we are well on the way to achieving all of the client's desired no of completes (1,500+).

The second part of this project involved recruiting user testers to do a remote website testing session from the comfort of their own home - these were conducted using Zoom. Again, there were a wide variety of criteria and quotas we needed to adhere to when finding these 30 testers:

Respondents needed to:

- Fit into specified quotas on age, gender, work role, technology usage, and language.
- Mix of frequent/occasional/non users of a specific transport service
- Majority based in certain regions e.g. South Yorkshire
- At least some representation amongst users with limiting disabilities

MRFGR managed to fully recruit all 30 of these testers, while managing respondents throughout the process to ensure their attendance. Any dropouts were replaced, free of charge, and scheduled for the next available session.

IMAGE RIGHTS: Special thanks to the following people for the use of their images.
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